For months my normally happy and joy-filled 12 year old son became depressed and hardly smiled. He would cry sometimes multiple times a day. I talked to him on numerous occasions to try to help him through the heaviness that he was experiencing. His older brother had just gone through a year of serious surgeries and illness which was difficult for our entire family.
I reached out to Amy and she suggested a prayer session for my son. During the prayer session with Amy, Jamie, Brian, my son and myself, the Holy Spirit showed up as always and revealed to my son that through the traumatic series of events that he went through from his brother's illness a doorway opened which allowed the spirit of fear and heaviness entry. The Holy Spirit revealed to him specific moments that had left him feeling lonely and scared. He surrendered those feelings to the Lord and was set free from the bondage of fear and heaviness.
After the prayer session my son told me that he felt different and lighter. Since that moment we have been going through the Beyond Brokenness course together at night. He has been very interested in the course and listens intently. He is back to his joy-filled self again and hasn't cried once. We are so thankful for Amy, Jamie, and Brian and their faithfulness to the Lord to help others overcome bondage and to build up warriors in Christ.