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Available Courses

We believe that part of the journey to understanding all that God has for us is understanding His character, who we are in Him, how this world operates, and ways that He has provided for us to be closer to Himself.

We have designed courses that are taught live, on Zoom, giving ample opportunity for discussion and questions/answers. The courses are a safe place to explore Scriptural truths and do some self examination on the materials.

Courses meet once a week for 4 weeks and are 90 minutes long.

Days and times vary.

Please see course descriptions below.


To see upcoming offerings and to register for a class please click here:

Topics Explored:

Identity in Christ

The Reality of the Spirit Realm

Hidden Bondage

Truth Vs Lies

Topics Explored:


Jesus As Judge

Exchanging Pain

Abiding in Him

Course 3 Coming Soon

Topics Explored:

To be revealed later...

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