Beyond Brokenness is all about helping single moms and widows with their tough times, emotionally, spiritually, and around the home. Our hope is not just to fix things for today, but to have a generational impact. Transformation occurs in children when their single mom receives hope, healing and support.

As a young adult, I knew Jesus as my Lord and savior, but I did not enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. I was terribly insecure and that insecurity lead me to many years of wandering in the desert living in dry places. I was living a life of sin. During that time I attempted to numb the voices in my head that told me I was not good enough.
I got married, but my marriage only opened more wounds in my heart and in my soul. After a traumatic event that culminated in my (now) ex-husband leaving the home, I was broken. Honestly I was beyond broken. Not only did I have CPTSD, and physical trauma, but I had to try to hold it all together for my three sons. It was a terrible time.
But God saved me from all of it and allowed me to have time to rest in Him. He is the only one Who can restore my life, redeem my life, and fix all the broken pieces. I am very much still a work in progress but I can tell you having the Holy Spirit as my friend, comforter, and the director of my steps is better than ANYTHING I have ever experienced in my life.
Please know, reconciliation to God is an ongoing process. But, we already have the assured victory when we rest in God the Father, the saving grace of His son Jesus, and our friend the Holy Spirit.