I was down with the flu at the beginning of the year and so I really didn’t start the New Year with goals in mind. I was siiiiick….. and just wanted to sleep and keep warm.
Anyhow, once I felt better, I started seeking the Lord about my “word for the year”.
You know that trendy practice of asking the Lord what your focus and goals should be for 2025. Then He gives you a word and you post it everywhere to keep you focused on it and zoned into His purposes. It’s great and I have done it for years. I loved getting words like Trust, Faith, Abundance. Rest was a little harder and so was Be still. Those aren’t my favorite practices.
But this year during my quiet time with the Lord and seeking His guidance for the year ahead I heard “you can do hard things”
“WHAT?? I’m sorry I must not have heard you correctly Lord.
That can’t be you, Lord. I don’t want to do hard things.”
If you know me then you know I’ve already done LOTS of hard things. I’m tired of “hard things”!!!
But God….
You see, He showed me how in the past when I had done hard things I had depended on my own strength. In the year ahead, I would still have hard things to do, but I would be able to depend on His strength. Leaning into His strength allows me to do the hard things with grace and ease.
Hard things might not be what I think they are either.
Hard things can look like being consistent, loving (others or myself) when I don’t feel like it, taking care of myself, saying no, or pushing on when I want to stop.
Hard things become easier when I know I can do them in His strength and every time I think I can’t do this….. I hear His voice telling me “you CAN do hard things” and that softens my heart and gives me the strength I need.
Isn’t our Father just so wonderful!!
He loves us so much and knows exactly what we need in His perfect timing.
So when you see me this year just know I’ll be out here doing “hard things” but I’ll be doing them with the Lord and they won’t be nearly as “hard” as they used to be on my own!