There is a continuous battle for your mind. The enemy is constantly looking for ways to deceive you by filling your mind with his lies. He is so good at his sneaky ways, so it is hard to recognize his voice for what it is. But, it is important to be able to spot his lies so that you can refute them and focus your gaze back to the Father. The better you are at spotting them, the better you will be at overcoming them and winning the battle for your mind with the truth in Jesus’ name!
One common lie that the enemy likes to use is the lie of deception. Have you ever looked at your life and compared it with somebody else’s so you wish you had what they had? Have you ever thought that God must love that person more than you? Have you ever thought about how God is blessing that person more than He’s blessing you or about how surely God has withheld something you need?
Pretty soon the Devil has you convinced that God isn’t good, God hasn’t blessed you, God doesn’t love you, you missed out on something good because God is mean or God forgot about you or God’s been lying to you all this time. The Devil loves to deceive you with jealousy and comparison. Don’t believe it! God comes to give life and give it to the fullest.
Another popular lie that the enemy loves to use on us is the lie of worthlessness. He uses this one on me a lot! He’s learned that it easily leads to shame with me. I’ve been told that I was a loser, a failure and would never amount to anything. That “not enough” anthem that spins in your mind was composed in the pit of hell, and it is crippling, debilitating, paralyzing and suffocating. It is a creation of the enemy himself and certainly not from our Good Shepherd. The enemy uses it as a bat to beat
you over the head repeatedly telling you that you are useless. When the Holy Spirit nudges you to serve in the church, it’s the enemy whispering to your soul that you can’t do it so why even try. In contrast, drum up an image of Jesus in John 10:11 in your mind as the Good Shepherd who “lays down his life for the sheep.” Jesus has put it all on the line for you! That is an image of a Father who loves you endlessly and is fighting for you!
The enemy is great at sowing seeds of doubt in our mind in a lie that is “me and against the world” or “everyone is against me”. These doubts undermine your confidence in who God is and what He says about you! The best way to battle the attack of the enemy is with the TRUTH of Jesus! What is the truth?
The truth is that you need to let the Good Shepherd lead you by still waters. When God is
walking you through the valley, you can stop worrying about managing all the outcomes. You can stop looking over your shoulder. You can take the boxing gloves off.
Check your posture! Keep your eyes Heavenward locked on the Father! Hear Him say, Daughter – Son – I don’t want to be anywhere but where you are! John 6:68 says, “you have the words of eternal life.” His words drown out every life of the enemy. So by His grace, you can start taking authority over the voices in your head and kick the devil out! He has to flee in Jesus’ name! Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
The way you renew your mind is to wrap your thoughts around Scripture. You can take control of what you think about. You deliberately put thoughts of God in your mind. As these thoughts take root and grow, they will help remove the destructive lies that the Enemy tries to put in your mind.
Don’t give the Enemy a place in your head or a spot to rest on your shoulder to whisper in your ear. You can win the battle for your mind. Do not give in to sin, despair, or darkness. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to “take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.” Bind every thought in Jesus’ name that doesn’t come from God. Fill your mind with the goodness and richness of Scripture letting thoughts of God consistently fill your heart and life. Surrender your life completely to Jesus. He
will lead you to green pastures and quiet waters. He will lead you through dark valleys, but you don’t ever need to fear. You will not be in want because Jesus will restore your soul. God is so, so good! Just listen to Him!